Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Just Because

 Anyone else make a cake just because? Well I do. And here's another one. This cake has a funny story actually, because unlike my other "just because" cakes, I didn't make it purely based on feelings. 

Sophie wanted to make an aqua scope with recycled materials, but she needed a tin to do so. There were none in our recycle bin, so she went for an extensive search around the neighbour's houses. Alas, most of them were lacking in clean tins in their recycle bins too, but one of our neighbours kindly gave her a full tin of pineapple. 

So, we tipped out the pineapple and she made her aqua scope, and then we considered what to do with the pineapple. Obviously a cake was the perfect solution. 

I remember making this cake the first time, and being surprised at how yum it was - banana and pineapple is a great combo. I didn't have pecans this time, so I used walnuts, but it was still delicious. The last time I made it, was over 10 years ago. The time really does fly. 

This cake was shared with friends, and a cut a generous portion to send back to our kind neighbours to thank them for their pineapple. Sophie was not a fan, and is asking if we can make another just because cake tomorrow. Maybe.

For other just because cakes, check out here, here, here and here

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