Saturday, December 26, 2020

Small Things

I have had a huge lull in sewing lately. A combination of finishing lots of projects and then just being generally busy with other things. The girls haven't had a growth spurt in a while, so there hasn't been a real need, but friends of mine are having their second baby next year, and while I went and bought them some practical baby presents (wipes galore!) I also wanted to make something a little special. 

I'd forgotten how small clothes can be. Even sewing the girls shorts now, they are starting to be fairly decent sized. There was something nostalgic in making this. Even though the girls are only six and seven, sewing clothes like this that they would have fit seems like a life time ago. 

The beautiful frog fabric had been in my drawer for ages, bought on special at Spotlight, but I never got around to sewing it when the girls were little, and now they don't particularly care for it. I used a dress pattern I had made when Sophie was nearly one, for her first Christmas Dress

It's so small. Just like the baby that will wear it one day. And that baby will grow, just like mine did. And that baby will wear it for such a fleeting moment, but it will be beautiful none the less. Maybe more so, because it is so brief. 

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