Thursday, December 31, 2020

When we Celebrated

 It seems weird to have had a celebration in 2020, but even in the midst of a global pandemic, life continues and there are things worth celebrating. One of these for us was our 12th wedding anniversary. Steve and I are pretty low key about presents and celebrating in general, but given the year, and the way our travel plans for January were absolutely on hold, we figured why not. 

We just booked a night away in town. Steve took the day off, and after I had dropped all the kids at school we were free. We did simple things; went for a walk, saw a movie, had a swim, I read three chapters of a book without interruption, it was wonderful. 

Dinner out, looking fancy, at a Japanese restaurant, and breakfast at a local cafe. It was lovely to have uninterrupted time together. After 12 years, Steve is still the person I want to spend life with, and I am still excited to be married. 

Thus ends the year. Here is to whatever 2021 brings, calm, crazy or chaotic. 

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