Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The House is Now Warm

I suppose the internet is probably sick of me writing posts about our house. But we are still excited about it! We recently had a causal street gathering to use the deck for the first time, and then last week had a bigger official Extension Warming party with a wider circle of friends and family.

It was so lovely to have everyone here, and have everyone fit! Wade again took amazing photos for us of our ribbon cutting ceremony and even just looking at them now, I'm so happy. Yes, we did make everyone stand in the old section before we cut the ribbon. It was very squishy.

We want our house to be a place where we can invite people in, foster community and care for people comfortably. It's always been that, if a bit squishy, but now it has so much more potential for it. This house warming was the first moment of realizing that dream.

So we are thankful to all the people who made it happen, our neighbors for putting up with the noise and damage to the bitumen on our street, our family and friends who let us have showers and stay the night when we needed it, anyone who met up with us at a park or their own house because ours was under construction for a good while. Mostly to God, who so graciously provides everything we need and abundantly overflows the blessing time and time again.

May the community we build here in our new extended house continue to be grounded on the same extravagant love that God has for us.

P.S. I did not make any new bunting for this party. Missed opportunity.

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