Monday, June 03, 2019

Easter Garland... Bunting?

This is such a belated post, but I felt like I should still post it. I like to have things organised like that. 

I sewed some Easter egg bunting way back at Easter time. I was inspired by a tutorial I saw at Olivia Jane Handcrafted, and also a visit to a friends house, who had Easter decoration simply everywhere. I was excited about Easter, but there was nothing in our house to show it. 

And of course, I had lots of scrap fabric I knew I could use up to make this garland/bunting, and using up scraps is always a worthy cause right? Do garlands count as bunting I wonder? What is the difference? 

Anyway, lots of sewing and cutting 30 eggs later, I've got a string of eggs that can be used every Easter. Here is the one photo I have of it hanging above the bay window. Photos do not do it justice.

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