Thursday, May 02, 2019

More Reading

I have found a friend at church who is steadily supplying me with books to read each week. Hallelujah! I can not explain how wonderful this is. I think she was surprised when I read the first two in a week and returned them to her promptly, but now she knows. I can do it. I am a reader. Not all of the following books are from her, some are still from the library, but it's good to have a supplement.

So I've read:

Wonder by R. J. Palacio
The Power of Three by Diana Wynn Jones
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
Watership Down by Richard Adams
Master of the Grove by Victor Kelleher
Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine
Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine
All the Wrong Questions (Book 1) by Lemony Snicket
The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende
The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene
Daughter of Nomads by Rosanne Hawke
Sabriel by Garth Nix
Goldenhand by Garth Nix

And that takes us to the end of April. I hope I can keep reading through out this next term, though Steve is off to Seattle again (for a two day conference) and we have two Bundy trips planned, so maybe not. Even so the more reading the better. It really makes a big difference to my life overall to pick up a book and not be wasting time scrolling through absolutely nothing on my phone.

Here is an older photo (from either late January or early February), of these four just hanging out on the couch "reading". I love it so much that they do this spontaneously and are excited by books and engaged in reading together. May this continue for the rest of their lives.

For an update on what we are reading together with the girls, we've started The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I've actually never read it, and to be honest, the girls are struggling a little again with the language, but we are getting there. As with The Hobbit, it does help to have an illustrated copy on hand. I would so love to read some Redwall next, but I think the girls are still just a little too young, so I might go back to Roald Dahl again; we shall see.

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