Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Faith is like an Extension

Reflecting on our renovation plans while listening to a podcast on Hebrews by Tim Mackie (it's on the Exploring My Strange Bible podcast, go check it out!) I have drawn the conclusion that there are a number of similarities between getting an extension done, and having faith in Jesus.

Many people think that faith is all about believing in something that you have no evidence for. I'll be honest, that would be nuts. If you've go faith in something, then hopefully, you have seen some evidence. Maybe you haven't seen the fullness of what has been promised, but you've seen some clues, or testimonies that something is going on.

If you were to look at our house right now, and we said; "Come round for Christmas on our deck." you would think we are nuts. There is no deck. But if we showed you the plans for the deck, the emails with the builder, the clothesline that has been moved in preparation for said deck, you would see the evidence of what is to come. Thus you could have faith, that come Christmas, you could have a party with us on our deck.

Jesus says to us that he has eternal life for us. It's a promise. If you don't know Jesus, or haven't seen the plans, you might think this is nuts to believe in. But the evidence is there. We aren't blindly holding on to something that has no documentation. In fact, the claims of Jesus have lots of evidence. We haven't seen the fullness of the promise yet, but we have a strong foundation on which to base our faith.

I am encouraged to know that just like an extension is waiting for our house, so too is an eternity with Jesus, and my faith is based on a ton of evidence.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

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