Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Party Food

The heat wave this week has made me feel the full effects of being pregnant. Being 27 weeks pregnant to be exact. Steve says to me this morning that it's all down hill from here, and given that it's 9 am and I'm wanting to have a nap, I am inclined to agree with him. Despite the heat I did manage to finish a few sewing things yesterday which made me feel slightly better about myself (well, finishing them did, the actual sewing, not so much :P). But that's a post for another day.

Today, I thought I'd just share with you that I was really blessed on the weekend as I celebrated ten years of faith. I had spent a lot of time during the week thinking about this and getting ready for it (lots of cooking) and I really enjoyed seeing the people who came along to my strange idea of a celebration.

So glad Melissa had time to take some great photos there, because despite my best intentions, this was the best photo I took of my food (and the only food I took photos of).

That Chocolate Honey Cake was pretty amazing. Second time I've made it (the first being for Chaela's Baby Shower last year) but the perfect glaze still seems to elude me. This time I managed to sift in the flour, so it wasn't lumpy, but I didn't boil the honey and water long enough to start with, so it was nowhere near as tacky as it should have been. Oh well. Here is a better photo (Thanks Melissa!).

You can see the small Blueberry and Cream Cheese Tarts in the back ground of this photo. I also had White Chocolate and Cranberry Biscuits, as well as some delicious fruit. Highlight of the sweets was probably the Caramel Macadamia Slice. So delicious! Savories wise I did the Potato, Pesto and Ricotta Squares (sorry no photos), Cheese Twists (always a favorite) and some dip/dried fruit and nut platters.

The only other thing I have to say about the general ambiance of the party, was that we put up most of my bunting (too bad I didn't get to make some new stuff for the party). I could look out the windows in the dining room and there was a carnival happening in the yard. Yay for bunting! Again, a lack of photos, but you can see it in the background here as Sam waters my herbs.

 On a completely unrelated note, Sophie reached a milestone yesterday and broke her first plate. Well done!

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