Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sophie's Kimono

There is something wonderful about hand sewing. It takes time, is peaceful and is very portable. I did most of sewing Sophie's kimono at church on Sundays over about four weeks. It was really great to keep my hands busy and my mind focused on what our minster was teaching (mostly how David is an example of the kind of anointed king that we need in Jesus from 2 Samuel, if you are interested). 

Everything I needed fit into one bag, and as the weeks got colder, the kimono kept my legs warm while I sewed. So that's another one done.

The collar for this one was the trickiest thing ever. I'm not sure why, but maybe I need to actually document the process each time, rather than having to remember and reference my original work. Can't say I think there is much need for a fully documented process though, given that I don't think there is much need for hand sewn kimono in general, especially in Australia, but maybe I'm supposed to change that? 

In any case, this is done. 

I had to wash the fabric for Sophie's because there was some light marking on the initial bit of the bolt. It came out, but I noticed a sizeable shrink and had to go back and wash the other 11 metres of fabric as well so it would all shrink down to the same size. Then I ironed the life out of it, and I hope now that it will be fine forever. I'm a little worried for Rachel's, since it was the same kind of wool but I didn't wash it to start with. Hopefully she'll never wear it in the rain and it won't be a problem.

Cute kimono Sophie. So cute. 

I did actually try it on before I took in the sleeves to fit Sophie, but getting photos is super hard, and I wasn't thrilled with any of them, except this one of Rachel and I. 

She's so tall because she was standing on the big stool trying to take photos for me. Too bad none of them turned out. You can, however, see Rachel's kimono here. Or find out more about sewing kimono and yukata in general by clicking the tags at the bottom. Have fun!

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