Wednesday, May 18, 2022

So Close

It's been nearly another six weeks since the last update and we are so close, and yet, still so far from this renovation being done. I was feeling a bit down about it, but when I look back at the last update, I notice that heaps of stuff has happened since then, so it's not exactly like our builders have been idle. 

First thing to notice is that the carport got a roof! We also got concrete for the Nana Flat patio and the path around the side of the house, as well as the front path coming off our stairs. These stairs are just glorious. I love the merbau planks and the small veranda at the top of the stairs. Hooray! This bit still needs to be cleaned and stained, but it's pretty cool to stand out there in the arvo. 

Steve also had the vision to make our front path a little bit more fancy, rather than just plain concrete. He was inspired by the stone steps as you climb up Mt Ngungun, when we took the girls up in January.

The stone we got was a different colour, but we love it. 

Inside the Nana Flat so much happened! The painters came in, the kitchen and bathroom both got put in. Sparkies came back and suddenly lights and fans work. The floors happened, trim went on and the painters are about to come back and finish things up. I need to make sure I take some more photos, because I've been very slack lately!

We have had heaps of rain again, some places in Brisbane were at risk of flooding, which was all too soon after the last lot in March. So much mud, so we haven't been using our front stairs much still to avoid trekking it in through the house. That said, the path through our neighbours driveway, the hole in the fence and around the back is getting pretty worn and muddy anyway.  

In this last photo, maybe you can see the bright yellow tape measure out on the front, measuring from the centre of what will eventually be our driveway. Yes, we have had complications; this is the problem that makes me feel as if it could easily be another two months until it's all done. 

When we knew we were moving the driveway from the right to the left side of the house, one of the first things we asked as would we need to move the water metre. We were assured by our architect that we would not need to. Plans went through council and they didn't ask us to move it either. We checked with our builder, and he told us that our architect was right, we could just pop a grate over it and have it in the drive way. 

It seemed all ok. Then our builder applied to actually pour the concrete for the driveway. We were told that we would indeed have to move the water metre. Council have changed things and no longer do the grate in the driveway thing apparently. Rather devastatingly, applying for this is no easy process; lots of red tape and applications and waiting around for 3-4 weeks for answers. 

On top of that, when council realised we wanted to put a driveway close to where we had (rather unsuccessfully) replanted one of our trees, they told us that we weren't allowed to. Can't put a driveway too close to a tree apparently. When we told them it was pretty dead, they let us know that they would need to send an arborist out to check that first. 

On top of that, the old Telstra cables and junction box is right on one edge of the drive way too and will also have to be moved. There have been mixed messages about where that can go and how far from the driveway it needs to be, but we are hoping it can just shuffle slightly and sit between ours and our neighbours driveways for minimal hassle. Wish us luck. 

In the mean time, most of the Nana Flat is now complete and Maria is moving in this weekend! I guess she's ok with enduring the ongoing mud situation and finalisation of building works (slats around the side and front of the house, water tank relocation, gutters on the carport and veranda roof etc). It's not so bad I guess. So close now, right? 

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