Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Nana Flat Update Two

 Here we go again! 

It's been six weeks since the last update, and even though things feel like they have been rushing ahead and getting ticked off, I'm a little bit sad to realise we still have a ways to go yet. I guess that's what happens when things are rained on, flooded out and people get sick with the current pandemic disease causing them to quarantine for a week. Still can't believe this is the new normal in life. 

Anyway, since we last saw the house, big outside things have changed - windows went in, roof went on, insulation everywhere and all the outside cladding was done. All of this made a huge impact and it really felt like it was taking shape. You can see the patio section of the nana flat there with it's lovely merbau posts that have been cemented in. And the scaffold up to work on our little veranda area at the front of our house where the stairs used to be. The decking was mostly down in that picture, and the roof posts and beams in, but nothing else there yet. 

Inside the house was so muddy and dirty after all the rain, but once the roof was on, our builders cleaned it up and it was ready to go. What a difference it makes when the floor is clean and clear! 

So much went on inside the nana flat that you don't really see at all. The electricians put all the wiring in and then the plumbers put the pipes in the walls before the builders started sheeting everything. Man is it so cool when you can no longer see through the walls! 

Plumbers arrived in a small army of people after the roof was on to do some more work on down pipes and drainage. There was so much muddy clay around and it was super exciting to see the pipes get connected and the water flow away from the house next time it rained. 

Not long after all of that, some more roofing stuff arrived. This was for the veranda cover and the carport. Steve's been taking daily photos of the progress, but when the carport frame went up, we realised that we would need to go further back to get it all in.  

And this is where we are now. See what I mean about not really getting everything in frame any more?

The car port still needs a roof, we still need front stairs and path, not to mention a whole lot of concrete for the car port itself. All the ceilings are up inside the nana flat though, and the plaster has been in and done his job. Painters are booked for the week before Easter, and as I type this the veranda roof is being put into place. Hopefully my next update will feel much more complete, and hopefully not another six weeks away. 

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