Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Duck Cake

Every now and then, I really feel like I'm winning a Cool Mum Award. This is one of those moments. Sure, we may be way more strict on screen time and healthy eating and bed times than other parents, but we are also the parents who say; "Let's spontaneously make a completely ridiculous cake for no reason whatsoever. Yes." 

And so I give you the Duck Cake. 

This is the infamous Women's Weekly Birthday Cake Book Duck Cake which has recently been made more famous (if that is at all possible) by appearing in the Australian children's animated series Bluey. It's just such a fun cake, so when the girls were having friends over and we needed to make something for afternoon tea, I said "Let's make a Duck Cake!"

We did. 

The girls did lots of it, and we decided to make it a black duck because chocolate. Obviously. 

And it was flipping fabulous. 

1 comment:

hey dad said...

Well done.