Monday, May 03, 2021

Me Made May

I'm interrupting regular posting to talk about Me Made May. I guess to the world it might not feel like an interruption, but as I have three posts mostly written and ready to go that follow along from the pillow case sewing that is turning out to be quite a saga, it feels like an interruption to me. Anyway; Me Made May. 

So Me Made May is a thing in sewing circles that happens each year (around May as it were), where people make pledges to wear self made clothing, or a variation on that theme. I don't know where it started, but it's about actively trying to wear self made clothes, thinking about what you wear and why, challenging yourself to try different combinations. 

It's the kind of thing that can help you think about your wardrobe; are there gaps? Are there different ways you could wear the same old same old? Are there small alterations you could make to bring something back? Are there things you don't wear at all and why is that? I guess at it's core is helping people to celebrate wearing things that we have made, and to be thinking sustainably about the clothes we wear. 

I love this. So though I've never participated in Me Made May before, I felt like giving it a go this year. Not a 100% sure exactly why, or what my Me Made May Challenge will be exactly, but I'm just jumping in. I figure that if I just start somewhere, I'll figure out my goal along the way. Maybe.  

This week, I'm mostly just trying to reach for clothes I've made first, before I put on something easy (jeans and t-shirt again *face palm*). I am going to try to do one post a week to summarize what I've worn that has been self made, and what I'm thinking about it. To be honest, the hardest part of this (and we are only two days in so far!) has been actually taking photos of myself. Scary. 

Anyway, lest this be a post with no photo, I thought I'd share the first self made thing I wore for Me Made May, which is something I made last year and never blogged about. 

I love this floral jumpsuit. I got the pattern free from another Brisbane based sewer person who was de-stashing during the Covid lock down last year. Though I don't really like sewing from pre-made patterns I really wanted to try to make it. So I made a draft, fixed all the fit issues and then made the final out of this gloriously bright print. 

I've lost a bit of weight since I first made it, so it's a little looser now, but I still get so many comments when I wear it, which might give me the motivation I need to take it in a few places so it can have that really "tailored for me" fit feeling again. 

This seems like a great place to start for Me Made May. Something I love that I'm committed to adjusting so I can keep wearing it for a long time. Let's hope the rest of the journey has some similar discoveries. 

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