Sunday, April 19, 2020

More Shorts

What can I say? Kids keep growing and needing more clothes.

Sophie's recent acquisition has been two new pairs of shorts. I actually made these much earlier in the year in anticipation for the season-change-growth-spurt, which seems to be a common occurrence, at least in this house.

The first pair were made from some funky material I picked up at the Spotlight Boxing Day sale. Rachel got the bunnies for her Easter Dress, and Sophie got this material for a pair of shorts. After making it I regretted not adding pockets.  I'm not sure why I didn't add them. Couldn't be bothered maybe?

Anyway, the second pair did get pockets. My mum donated this material after she had a substantial amount left over from making Rachel a Star Wars dress. It is pretty wonderful material, and the red for the pockets and cuffs worked perfectly. I almost regret not adding the belt loops, even though they'd never get used, just for the cool color pop on the waist band, but oh well.

Here is Sophie enjoying those pockets as we walk down the street together during a global pandemic.

The pattern is the Clover Shorts from Mouse House Creations which I have made numerous times before and is still the sweetest shorts pattern ever. After seeing Sophie transition into these shorts from the last set I made, which I didn't use the Clover Shorts pattern for at all, I've come to the conclusion that I should only make Clover Shorts in future. They just fit better are just so much nicer than the other lot.

I've still got more fabric in my stash, so even if the social isolating continues for another six months, I should be able to make more shorts for the next growth spurt. Whew. It's the small things that remind you the world will keep turning in the midst of the turmoil.

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