Monday, March 02, 2020

Making the Cow

You can read my preamble to this post here, if you want a full back story. If not, know that I was three days out to Christmas and about to make both girls a soft toy. Rachel asked for a cow. Here we go!

Why Rachel wanted a cow, I still do not really know. Maybe because she already had dog soft toys. Or perhaps a cow appealed to her love of obscure animals like bugs. Whatever the reason, she asked for a cow, and a cow she got. 

The first thing I did when thinking about how to make her cow was to check Ikat Bag's Menagerie pattern, to see if it had included a cow. It did. I have used her base pattern for numerous other soft toys thus far (Tiger, Lady bug, Pikachu and Original Vulpix) so it was probably high time I put my money where my mouth was. I was still hesitating about it though, wondering if I could just figure it out on my own when Steve spoke sense: I had three days to make these toys, just buy the pattern!

So glad I did, because not only was it very helpful in Udder Placement, but I also have the resources to make so many other soft toys. Oh how hilarious is that udder.

Here is the half made cow watching me from the shelf above the sewing nook as I contemplate how to sew Vulpix together. The ears look good here, but after we stuffed him (her?), I realized they were on a little low. Should have been higher. Oh well. The other thing I did notice and actually adjusted was one of the safety eyes. My original installation was less than symmetrical, but luck was in my favor because the one I moved happened to be on that lovely brown patch of fur, so you can hardly see the hole.

Here is Rachel doing the hard work of stuffing her Christmas Present.

Seriously though, the girls were so over the moon about this I feel like each year I should have them help create their own presents just to increase the excitement. Rachel has named her cow Mu Mu (or is it Moo Moo?) and she loves to jump over the moon.

One soft toy down, one to go. Stay tuned for the post all about Vulpix 2.0 coming soon!


LiEr said...

I love how your cow turned out, and especially how FURRY she is. Yes, the udder is shamelessly funny, isn't it?

Ostinato Seaker said...

Unbelievably funny. 😂 I'm sad I didn't take more/any glamour shots of Mumu before she got so loved. Thanks for your comments!