Sunday, March 01, 2020

A Cow and a Vulpix

I'm super practical, such that when it comes to Christmas presents, I always want to get people things they are going to use. Our daughters are no exception to this, but when Sophie told me just before Christmas that all she'd really love would be a Pokémon toy that she could play with, it really made me feel something. Guilty isn't the right word, but I was a little sad that they didn't have lots of toys coming. 

Of course, even as bad as my heart felt, I was still in no rush to go out and buy toys for them. We have so many toys already! But I did have another option. I mentally ran through what I had in the material stash already and realized I could finally make good on the promise I had made Sophie, over two years ago. Not sure if you remember but to recap (in case you don't want to bother reading the full post) I made Sophie and Rachel small Pokémon for our Big Travels in 2017, with the promise of making a full-size hug-able-like-Tiger version. I still had all the material for that in the stash. 

Speaking of Tiger, when I spontaneously purchased the material that would be Tiger, I also picked up a white and brown of the same kind of fabric. When Sophie got Tiger, the intention was that I would use the other fabric to make something for Rachel too. Time to make good on that intention. No idea what it would become, but it was destined to be a toy for Rachel, and a toy for Rachel it would be. 

Given that it was three days until Christmas, I knew there was no conceivable way that I would be able to sew these toys in secret. So I threw caution to the wind and told the girls up front. I was going to make them a toy each. They would be Christmas presents. They were about to watch me sew them and they would get them on Christmas day. 

Even with the surprise blown, the girls were over the moon about their toys. Sophie was delighted to be getting a full-size Vulpix and had a lot of things to say about how the tail should be this time round. It was cool to have her input and work with her through the process. I showed Rachel the white and brown and gave her two options: It could be a dog, or it could be a cow. Rachel asked for the cow. 

So, three days till Christmas, two toys to make. Can I do it? 

Come back tomorrow to find out!

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