Monday, January 27, 2020

New Years Resoloutions

This post seems very late in the game, but I was reflecting on another year and what I'd like to do with myself, so why not. I'm often frustrated at the amount of time that I spend scrolling endlessly, so it seemed like a good idea to think of things I could get done to help prevent that at the very least. Of course, it's nice to have lofty ideas for resolutions, but unless you write them down, or tell people, it's pretty rare they will get done. In the spirit of sharing here are my dreams for this year.

As I mentioned in my post on reading in August last year, I have started to read the Message version of the bible. So far so good, and I'm up to Leviticus already. Maybe I should post about it too. Which leads me to my next goal.

Something else I'm trying to get to is posting a little more. To be honest, I had a goal last year of doing four posts a month, which I succeeded in, though some months were a little touch and go. This year, I'm aiming to do one more a month, but I'm also trying to post a little differently. Posting about things that I've sewn, or lunches I've made, those posts are easy. Posting about life, or parenting, or what I'm learning about Jesus; those posts are much harder. Something about putting my heart out there that's a little bit more than scary. So, bear with me as I work towards being a little more honest. And if you want to, subscribe so you can read all five posts each month.

As Steve and I have settle into our new church (although, can we still call it that when we've been there for 18 months now?), we have joined the music team which has been super cool. I have loved being a part of a team, playing with Steve, and playing my guitar again. It's a step up though, because when I played guitar and sang at church previously, my guitarist skill (or lack thereof) was hidden by another guitar player. Now I've been playing with a keyboardist, and it is a lot harder to hide bad playing. Time to step up.

Last year I practiced pretty regularly, used the capo a lot, and learnt an F chord. Steve tried to challenge me to learn one new chord a week this year and how to pluck, which was way too much of a step up, but I appreciated his encouragement. I'm not sure I have a chord goal that involves numbers, but Dm is definitely up there. I guess my other guitar goal is to learn to strum with a bit more variation?

Two very quick goals that I have are a little more about maintaining what I've started, but I didn't want to miss them. Firstly, I want to keep walking 25ks a week. Secondly I want to keep reading books. Not sure if I should have a "this many per month" goal, but reading last year was such a welcome change to the watching and scrolling, so I want to keep it up.

My last official goal is to continue using up my material stash. I started taking it seriously last year and made an effort to sew from the stash, but I want to keep it up this year. I still have loads of beautiful material that can live life out of the drawer before I purchase more. Some sewer-type-people out there actively look through their stash and aim to "sew your stash", but I'm just aiming to make looking in the drawer for fabric rather than going to the shops for fabric.

So now that you've read all of those words and thoughts behind my goals (or skipped this post entirely because it's way too wordy and there is no sewing or pictures), here is my simple summary. In no particular order.

1. Read The Message version of the Bible
2. Post 5 times a month and post about real things
3. Up skill guitar
4. Walk 25k/week
5. Read books
6. Sew from my stash

I sincerely hope I can achieve at least some of these.

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