Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tiger's Birthday

Is it going too far when you are celebrating birthdays for soft toys? I'm not sure, but I confess, it's been done.

Three years ago, Sophie's birthday present was to go and see The Tiger Who Came to Tea as a show based on the book which she loved. That same year, only about six weeks later, I made my very first stuffed toy (animal variety) the Tiger, which she loved and promptly called "Tiger".

Three years on, Tiger looks like he needs some major surgery to continue on with his life, and has in fact, already undergone some major surgery to keep him in his alive state. But Sophie continues to love him and assures me that he makes the best pillow and is just the right size to cuddle.

There has been requests to either fix him or to get a new tiger made, which I'll be honest, was a little horrifying to me. Replace Tiger? What is she thinking!? But she's got a point, even with the patching, I'm not sure he will last much longer.

Sophie often asks me how old Tiger is, and this year remembered that his birthday is in February. So we celebrated. We even had a cake, which Sophie choose after pouring over the Women's Weekly Birthday Cake Cookbook for an hour or so.

It sounds crazy, but it was fun. I doubt we would do it for almost any other toy, but Tiger is special and we were all happy to celebrate with him.

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