Monday, February 25, 2019

She's Older Now

I didn't want to make a big deal about this, especially after seeing so many posts on Facebook in that first week of school. "Just like that he's in prep!", "Where did my baby go?",  "Looks so big in this uniform." Blah blah blah.

Sorry. I'm not trying to be negative about people celebrating their kids, but it was all just a bit same same. Did you not know that your child would one day reach an age where schooling would be the next step? I'm not exactly sure how it would take you by surprise.

Anyway. All that said, it feels wrong to not recognize in some way that Sophie too, has joined the ranks of school aged children. And I've had enough people ask me "how's she going?" not to let you know.

She's doing fine. School is hard. It's a change. It's exciting. It's lonely. It's fun. It's long. There is lots of sitting. It makes her tired. She's excited to go. She's made friends. Can't remember their names. Can't remember the teacher's names. She knows she loves Library day. And running. And that morning tea is not long enough.

All in all, she's doing fine and we couldn't be prouder. Nice one Sophie. May you always be as confident and thoughtful as you are now, and realize that every challenge is able to be overcome.

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