Friday, April 28, 2023

End of April

Here we are closing in on the end of April and once again I'm noticing that I've not blogged this month. Is this the end? Have I joined the ranks of people who no longer blog? Admittedly, most people I know who say "Oh, I started a blog!" usually join those ranks after three or four months, not eighteen years.

Even typing this though, my answer is no. It's not time to end this. I have things I want to document and more that I want to share. Even if my content is somewhat limited and repetitive, and my readership is not wide or varied by any means. That's never been the point for me. Blogging will continue. 

I recently went to my 20 year high school reunion, which was an interesting experience. It was very small, only twelve of us original classmates with a few spouses thrown in for good measure. Most people were those I was friends with, or knew well enough, so it was fairly easy to have a conversation and catch up. What I found the most strange though, was people saying "We haven't changed!" because I'd very much like to think I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago. 

I wonder if anyone else left the night feeling the same way. Surely the years and experience have made a difference to us? Maybe it was just the superficial thing to say, or about what they could see on the surface. My face has the same blue eyes behind glasses and a smile most of the time, but underneath I feel so completely removed from the girl I was wearing that uniform. 

As I reflect on this, I'm quite thankful for my blog, which I think does quite a good job of showing at least some of the changes. I'm going to keep at it, even if it takes a little while to get back into the swing of things. There are still more changes to come, and if you've joined me for the ride, thanks for being here. 

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