Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas Outfits

It's that time of the year again, when I get excited about celebrating Jesus' Birthday and use it as an excuse to sew new things for my daughters. Sophie's shorts from last year were now too short and had been handed on to Rachel (very reluctantly on Sophie's part). 

Knowing that the dress I had made for Rachel last year had been too big and all I would need to do to have her wear it again would be to let it out, I had her try it on at the end of November. The crazy news was that Rachel had grown up, but not out at all. So the dress still fit, and now, just ended at her knees, rather than past them. This dress is going to get to be worn again next year too! Unbelievable. 

With Rachel sorted (two Christmas outfits!), I swung back to Sophie. She was keen for another pair of shorts. So I pulled out of the fabric we'd gotten last year but not used, and got to work. I used the Clover Shorts pattern again (why break what is working perfectly?) but just lengthened them, since I noticed that Sophie generally grows out of things in a length department, before she does in a width. Hopefully these will last quite a while this way. 

The other thing we got the girls was a Christmas shirt each from Tee Turtle. They had a huge Black Friday Sale and I was getting a couple of other things for presents anyway. Since the girls had shorts to wear this Christmas, it only made sense that they needed shirts to go with them. 

It's been nearly impossible to get a good photo of these girls together in their Christmas gear. I don't know if it's the heat, the end of year tiredness or just another growth spurt in their brains rewiring things, but getting them to stand for a photo is nigh on impossible. 

Oh well. At least I have these memories right? 

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