Saturday, October 01, 2022

Rachel's Lady Bug Jumpsuit

Just want to keep a quick record of Rachel's latest sewing feat. 

For her birthday, she was given some lovely lady bug print denim from her cousin, Hugo. We talked about what she wanted to make out of it, and she decided on a jumpsuit. 

It was actually kind of fun brainstorming it with her, and finding out what she liked in her clothes. She wanted shorts, but no cuffs. Zip and elastic waist. No sleeves. Pockets on the pants, but not in seam, and none on the chest or back. 

We also talked about how to achieve it all, and what sewing features it would need given what she wanted as an end result (things like facings vs linings, for those sewing people playing along from home). We traced a jump suit she currently has and then made a quick mock up in some random fabrics to check the fit.

Success, so on we went to the real deal. Rachel wanted to wear this at a family event that was three days away, so I did way more of the pinning and cutting than I would have usually, but we were under a tight deadline. Rachel sewed it all like a champ on the little sewing machine - even the zip and the elastic. 

The pockets are lined with some lady bug silk from a tie of my dads, and I had just enough of it to use for to bind the edges of the neck and arm holes. Zip came from the stash too. 

Rachel is super happy with her fun jumpsuit, and I'm pretty proud of this little sewer. 

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