Thursday, October 15, 2020

Random Things

 Here are some things I've been doing lately. Firstly, making a rope net. 

Thanks to the internet and it's never ending resources, I was able to figure out how to tie this. I took down the swings on the swing set and hung this instead. It's hard to see in the photo below, but it works fine, holds my weight and is providing quite the challenge for the kids. 

We've picked a lot of tomatoes. Rachel helps by eating them before I can put them in the bowl. 

She especially likes these bumpy mutant ones. I don't know why.

I've been giving tomatoes away by the punnet for the last week and we still have so many, with more on the bushes ripening every day. So many tomatoes. Time too look up a recipe for chutney maybe? 

I've also been reading my bible. 

To be honest, there has been a bit of a slow down here, and I'm a bit fatigued to still be in the prophets of the Old Testament. But then I look at the Bible when I open it up like this and realise I'm over half way. This waiting to get to Jesus must surely be doing wonders for me somehow. And spending time reading the minor prophets especially, in The Message Translation, has given me a much better understanding for God's character, and what he is really concerned about in life. 

"Do you know what I want? 
I want justice; oceans of it. 
I want fairness; rivers of it. 
That's what I want. That's all I want."
Amos 5:24

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