Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Pokémon Dress

Our girls, thanks to Steve's efforts, really love Pokémon. Possibly more than is healthy. They have soft toys and small plastic ones, we borrow Pokémon DVDs from the Library, we have Pokémon books on the shelf. There is so much Pokémon. 

A friend of ours gave the girls two Pokémon doona covers as hand me downs from her brother, ages ago now. I took them apart and used half for sheets for their bed, and the other half was stashed away in the material cupboard. These holidays I took out that material and decided it was time to make something of them. Behold!

Pokemon dresses!

I used the same pattern as the other dress up dresses I've made the girls before. Not because I think these will be only dress up dresses, but because that pattern does not require any zips or buttons. So easy to make, and it will grow with them so be quite long lasting.

The skirt I cut as a circle, rather than gathering it, because I had so much material and a circle skirt is really twirly; something both girls love. Rachel's is bound with the yellow bias tape that was given to me by a lady who helps out at our playgroup on Tuesdays. Sophie's was bound with some blue that I had lying around.

The girls were both super excited about their new Pokemon dresses. I made them on the very first Monday of the holidays, which made for a very productive start to the holidays. Good feelings all around.

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