Tuesday, July 28, 2020


When we put in the water tank and then set about filling the associated garden bed with plants, the girls were really keen to have carrots. The seedlings we got at Bunnings did not last long, but I've got a few gardening friends now. One of these fountains of knowledge on all things gardening gave me a ton of advice and hands on help sowing some carrot seeds back in March in the hopes that we too could achieve carrot greatness. 

You can see some of the carrot plants growing in this picture, from back in June. They took ages to germinate, and I'd actually given up on them when I found that of the over 120 seeds we had planted, some had germinated. I say some. I counted ten plants. Not a great start. 

But I duitifully watered said carrots and they grew with the rest of the garden bed, and at long last, it was time to pick them. So we did. To much amusement. 

Yep. Our carrots were teeny tiny. 

But I guess it's good that they were at least fun to pull up. And they were crunchy as well as cute. And our guinea pigs loved the leaves. Carrots, who knew they could be so funny? I don't know if we will ever achieve carrot greatness, and I'm not rushing to try again, but I guess if I had more garden beds it might be an option. 

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