Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Steve and I have been married for four years now. It's still super exciting and fun. I wonder if that will ever change, but I doubt it. :P Marriage is fun! Hooray! Last weekend we went away to Boonah, which is a bit of a strange choice, but pretty much, we just wanted to go somewhere closeish that would be quiet and relaxing.

It was relaxing. We stayed at a little cottage that had creaky wood floors and cute table cloths on everything. They also gave us breakfast which was massive, eggs, bacon, sausages (fancy sausages - chicken, cheese and chives and pork), tomatoes and mushrooms (lots and lots of mushrooms). We ended up eating huge breakfasts both days and also eating the sausages for dinner as well. Delicious.

It was a bit overcast and cloudy, so Steve didn't get to look at any stars, which is a shame. Star gazing seems like a pretty hit and miss hobby to me, unlike sewing, you can do that any time. :D

Coming home, we drove by Tamborine and went on a smallish walk to some waterfalls and then had a picnic at the look out. We played Take Two and Speed and read lots. It was very fun.

Yesterday I didn't do much, just cleaned up around the house, did a load of washing, threw out some old uni stuff, read a book. Today I'm being more productive. I've written all the Christmas cards, cleaned the bedroom, watered the lawn, updated a blog and now I'm going to go do some baking. Yay!

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