Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Misc Memories

As the year comes to a close, I'm doing a bit of organising and have some final memories to share. These are just the small moments that happened in these last three or four months that I've captured with a snap (most times just the one quick pic) that I'm thankful for now, or they likely be forgotten all together. 

We took the girls to seem Mary Poppins at the Lyric Theatre. This wasn't their first musical there, but it was the first they were genuinely excited about. They had seen a school production of it a couple of years ago but were so keen to see the magic on the big stage. 

Steve's brother's dog had puppies and we got to see them grow from tiny squirmy things to these fun little balls of fluff. They did end up getting twice this size before we had to say goodbye, but it was loads of fun to have cuddles with them before that. 

Sophie got a red stripe at Jujitsu! Red stripes are for leadership and are pretty hard to come by. We were so proud of her for getting this one. 

My school music concert was themed "TV and Movies" this semester, so I dressed in Steve's Jedi costume from four years ago and told all the students I was a "Jedi like my father before me."

The girls went on a guide camp the week before our 14th wedding anniversary, so Steve and I took the opportunity to have two nights away in the city. We ate delicious food and stayed out late, did an escape room and watched the Black Panther 2 movie. Lots of fun just being together in beautiful Brisbane. 

For the first time ever, we actually did our street proud with Christmas lights. Could be the addition of the front fence, but it was so exciting to now put up those lights. Steve got excited and got them all wifi connected timers and also went security conscious with them too. No hacking our lights! 

The girls went to a ginger bread house making afternoon at my parent's church where they were very excited about all the lollies on these little houses. They actually made six in total, four of which were shared with the street kids as soon as they came home, because there was a dance practice for the street party. 

Oh do I love to see the street kids organise themselves, practice and perform their dance at our street party each year. Three years in a row, and it's not getting old. Speaking of performance, these girls also did their first on stage performance with Rachel's music school. 

Proud of their performer lanyards, Rachel played piano and Sophie accompanied on ukulele. They also got their faces rather spectacularly painted. Their music school is moving next year to the other side of the river, but we are luckily retaining the fantastic piano teacher Rachel had and he is now coming to our house to teach both our girls. Whew! 

Sophie's compassionate nature scored her this free pineapple plant from Bunnings. We were walking through the garden section while she finished of a sausage on bread when we happened to see a pineapple that was just lying out of it's pot. Sophie told the people at the front and took them to see it. The Bunnings lady then said that instead of repotting it herself, she would just write it off and give it to Sophie to take care of. Free pineapple for us!

Rachel got a geode rock science kit for Christmas (early present since my parents were traveling) and had loads of fun being a scientist with it. Her favourite thing to do was smash open the geode that came with the kit, but she also enjoyed the other things. This crystal growing one didn't turn out quite as we hoped, but it was still fun. 

I've been reading lots of books. Some to check to see if the girls would like it. Shinji Takahashi and the Mark of the Coatl, Ronia the Robber's Daughter, Enola Holmes and Dragon Rider all fall into that category. I've also read the second Dragon Rider book and am currently in the third. The first was good, but the other two are a bit busy. Still, the author has taken the time to add a thought provoking quote at the beginning of each chapter which I truly appreciate. 

I've done lots of sewing, and cleaning/culling/sorting of stuff that we need to get rid of, and other things that I guess I'll blog about soon enough. The garden is growing and the weather at the moment is beautiful. We are planning 2023 and some fun things to do there. 

I also type this with joy, because when I post it, it will mean I've finally made my goal of posting five posts a month for a whole year. I don't think that means I'll change things up next year. Maintaining is just as important as improving in some cases, but it's good to know I'm there. Maybe next week I'll think more on resolutions but for now, thanks 2022 for all of these little memories and more. 

Here's to 2023, whatever that may bring. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Swim

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus! 

This year's festivities are bought to you by a Christmas swim at our neighbour's who conveniently went to Stanthorpe to celebrate, and my first ever maple glazed baked Christmas ham. 

May the time you have spent with your people be a joyous and relaxing as you can manage. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas Outfits

It's that time of the year again, when I get excited about celebrating Jesus' Birthday and use it as an excuse to sew new things for my daughters. Sophie's shorts from last year were now too short and had been handed on to Rachel (very reluctantly on Sophie's part). 

Knowing that the dress I had made for Rachel last year had been too big and all I would need to do to have her wear it again would be to let it out, I had her try it on at the end of November. The crazy news was that Rachel had grown up, but not out at all. So the dress still fit, and now, just ended at her knees, rather than past them. This dress is going to get to be worn again next year too! Unbelievable. 

With Rachel sorted (two Christmas outfits!), I swung back to Sophie. She was keen for another pair of shorts. So I pulled out of the fabric we'd gotten last year but not used, and got to work. I used the Clover Shorts pattern again (why break what is working perfectly?) but just lengthened them, since I noticed that Sophie generally grows out of things in a length department, before she does in a width. Hopefully these will last quite a while this way. 

The other thing we got the girls was a Christmas shirt each from Tee Turtle. They had a huge Black Friday Sale and I was getting a couple of other things for presents anyway. Since the girls had shorts to wear this Christmas, it only made sense that they needed shirts to go with them. 

It's been nearly impossible to get a good photo of these girls together in their Christmas gear. I don't know if it's the heat, the end of year tiredness or just another growth spurt in their brains rewiring things, but getting them to stand for a photo is nigh on impossible. 

Oh well. At least I have these memories right? 

Friday, December 16, 2022


I had been lamenting pyjamas in my wardrobe for a good year or so, before finally coming to the conclusion that if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself.  Thanks for teaching me that, Sebastian the crab. So to the stash I went to find some suitable fabric to make a (hopefully wearable) draft. 

A long time ago, I received some free fabric from a friend which I used to make cute things for kids. See here. It was once a doona cover and came with the matching pillow case. I had a small amount of this material left, so I figured I could use it as a draft of a pyjama top. I'm not above wearing PJs with trucks and diggers on them. 

I made these around the same time that I was working on the girls ladybug shorts. Found a free pattern for some PJs from So Sew Easy, and after a couple of pattern hacks (short sleeves!), I had a draft. 

The fit was ok, just a little boxy, and my short sleeves turned out a little long - nearly elbow length. Still, it was a wearable draft, so I was happy. 

So back to my fabric stash I went, and pulled out some of this stuff which I had gotten for a bargain at a de-stash market earlier in the year. I also had a quick look through my trims and found I had exactly the right amount of piping in this musky pink colour that matched perfectly. There is nothing like adding piping to a project to make it suddenly very swish. 

There is something a little off with the collar of this version - maybe the folded back bit goes down too low before it folds? I don't know, but I can wear them and they are comfy. The fabric is super light which is perfect for a Brisbane summer. 

My mum had buttons in the stash, and I just made a very basic pair of shorts (alas, not enough piping to warrant cuffs on the shorts) to match. These really do feel like fancy PJs and after the absolute rubbish I had been wearing, they are amazing. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Work in the Garden

This post is a little late in appearing, but when I think about it, it makes me so happy, so I'm posting anyway, late or not. 

We officially celebrated our renovation as done in August this year, and then really made it feel like ours by planting all the things in the new garden beds. That happened in September, but you can see in the photos the total lack of a front fence. Our fabulous builders had attached the metal brackets to the retaining walls for us, so all we needed to do was bolt the posts to them and put the fence up. But of course, these things take some time. What a builder could probably knock over in a day and a half was absolutely going to take us a lot longer. 

So we procrastinated for a while. Steve and I weren't too bothered by the lack of front fence, for all it kind of gave the house a somewhat unfinished look. Steve's mum, on the other hand, was missing the privacy that comes with a front fence. Since she was the one living on the bottom floor, with the street view, we started to feel we should actually take care of the situation. 

Steve did some planning, and 3D modelling (because why not?) and more planning. He really thought through everything we would need and did all the research on where to buy what. Wood was ordered and delivered, and we did a couple of extra trips to get the posts and anything else we might conceivably need from Bunnings. We did the posts one Saturday afternoon, and then waited two weeks (there was a huge rainy weekend which cancelled any out door plans) before we continued with the palings. 

Are they still called palings if they run horizontally? I don't know, but that's what we did. This is where our project became really special. I think the girls might have been off playing in the creek, or just reading in the house, (who knows!) but Steve and I just got to work. It was hot, but there was a breeze, and the work wasn't hard. We both settled into a rhythm of working together really quickly. Steve would cut the lengths, I'd be unwrapping the next bundle to be ready. Then I'd take them over and start clamping them up. We'd check the plumbness together, then I'd drill the holes and Steve would take care of the screws. 

It was work, but it was together. While it took time, was hot and we did end up a little sore at the end of it, it wasn't terrible. For me, it was a real picture of what the Bible talks about in Genesis. When God creates Adam and Eve and they are in the garden, they are there together, to work. The work is good, it's not oppressive, tiresome or something to dread. This is what humanity was supposed to be: side by side, working together to look after the beautiful land and animals that God had created. 

And as I worked, side by side with Steve, complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses to do the work, I honestly felt like I had a glimpse of that. It was pretty special. 

Now the fence is done, and every time I look at it, I'm reminded of what humanity has the potential to be, and the moment that I got to experience a small part of it. 

We had another week with a temporary mail box before installing this one from Bunnings. Getting those numbers up really made it feel done too, even though we still had to lop off the excess post bits that were still sticking up. 

And we have indeed lopped off the post tops, after procrastinating for another couple of weeks - these things take time you know! And wow, do we now feel like the work is done. 

For all that we were very excited by the fancy looking new house we have, I was also a little sad, because if the original owners drove past now, I think they would instantly think: "Oh, they knocked down our house and built a new one," because it's so unrecognisable now. But hopefully, if they take the time to look, they will see that we did indeed keep the original house there, because we love it and for all that we've done to it, it was the beginning of so many memories for us. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Look at it grow!

 Not sure I could be happier with this little garden bed! 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Lady Bug Shorts

After Rachel made her Lady Bug Jumpsuit, there was still quite a bit of fabric left over. Enter October, when there was the usual growth spurt from both girls and the subsequent cupboard cleanout that comes along with a season change. Noticing some gaps in the shorts department, I was inspired to quickly sew up a couple of pairs with the leftover lady bug fabric. 

As always, the Cover Shorts make some beautiful shorts, and because I've made so many of them now, they are quite a quick sew. Got to love Rachel's cool music vibes in the photo below. We were waiting for her piano lesson when we took this photo. 

Both girls are stoked to have pockets and like that the red lady bugs feel a bit Christmasy. I left off the cuffs in favour of getting both pairs out of the fabric, but I did make them slightly longer, since the girls have grown up and not so much out in the latest season.

Even though I don't love that they have matching shorts, they are still pretty cute. 

Friday, November 18, 2022


This might have been the first thing I made with my housewife in tow. My current pin cushion was something that I made with random scraps after the previous one, which was in a ceramic bowl, broke one afternoon. Must have been years ago, and I really didn't take much time with it, so it wasn't much to look at, much less use as a pin cushion. 

Time for a replacement. 

This took a couple of weeks and is so stinking cute. There is really not much to say about it. Made of felt and lots of hand sewing. The bottom is filled with rice so that it sits up nicely on my sewing table. 

Cactus pin cushion for the win. 

Friday, November 04, 2022


I have recently been doing a lot more hand sewing. All the kimono that I've made this year, have been actually entirely hand sewn (see here, here, here and here). Which is kind of fine when I'm sitting a home sewing in front of the TV and I can just leave my little stash of fabric and supplies in a corner, but for that last kimono, I did a stack of travel sewing, from our winter holiday, to church each week. 

When I did this, I just threw everything into a brown gift bag, which worked, but was pretty average. Towards the end of it's life, it was also falling apart. I was toying with the idea of finding a better solution, or making something to pop all the supplies in, when I stumbled across this video from Sewstine on YouTube, about the 18th century sewing kits known as a "Housewife". 

Lots of information there, but suffice to say, these little sewing kits were well used by males and females throughout history. I loved the idea of having all my gear in something that could just roll up and out with everything easily accessible, so of course, I made one. 

I used the measurements roughly from the one that Sewstine does, though I didn't bother to embroider all the panels. I did consider some embellishments, but in the end, I just wanted to have something I could use and didn't want to take extra time. 

Maybe I'll make another one that's fancier, but this one is pretty great. I used up material from my stash for it. Rachel actually commented to me the other day "Mum, how come when you want to make something, you have everything already?" which I thought was pretty funny. You might recognise the outer fabric from this skirt, these skorts and this dress. The inner lining (and binding on the edge and the tie) was just from my stash, probably from my mum or even my Yia-yia. 

The watermelon pockets are actually some fabric I salvaged from taking apart a pencil case. A pen had leaked on the outer fabric, but the zips were still good, and the inner fabric was this beautiful watermelon print. There wasn't much, but I'm glad I saved it, because it was perfect for this. The scissors pouch was lined with a scrap of wool from my cape, and the outer fabric is a final remnant from my mum, which I used for the purple skirt in this post

On the inside, there is a big pocket at the bottom for threads, the scissors pouch, with a ribbon to keep them from slipping out and a scrap of felt (from Vulpix) for needles. Going up there is another little pocket and a pin cushion next to it. Then there is a little loop of elastic for my unpicker. Made it slightly fancier with a little silk flower. 

When I was sorting out the layout, I thought the small pocket near the pin cushion was a bit silly, but I didn't want a bigger pin cushion and I also didn't want a gap, so I put it in anyway. I'm actually really glad I did, because it's great for storing any little scraps or bits of thread that I cut off when I'm sewing until I can get home and pop them in the bin. 

I hand stitched most of the inside bits on, and even secured the ribbon with a bit of fancy embroidery. I think it kind of looks like the rose/flower that I was going for. I did stitch the first round of the binding on with Sally, but then I did finish it by hand. 

There's the other side, just so you know how it looks. The tie is only stitched on near one end, and it all folds up so nicely. Pretty chuffed with this little housewife.