So often lately, I see the fingerprints of God in our every day lives. The way that I try and try to love our daughters with patience and grace gives me glimpses of how God is so relentlessly pursuing us with his love. As with the Cheezel's Moment, this too came unexpectedly; I was getting the girls into the car.
For some back story, if you are new to this blog on the internet, I run a family day care, so my car is usually full of a variety of car seats. The full five-point-harnessed kind, and booster seats. I am so used to installing them and swapping them around because of the variety of kids that I look after through the week.
On this particular day, I'm clipping the girls in, and there are three booster seats in the car (and a five point harness car seat too, though that wasn't an option for them). In the back of the car, there are five seats total, three in the middle and two in the boot. I asked the girls to get in. They usually have "set seats" or at least, certain booster seats that they usually use. On this day, Sophie asked to it in a specific car seat, but her usual booster seat was in another space. So I swapped the booster seats over for her and clipped her in. Not a problem.
It struck me, as I was doing this, that this is what God wants for us. When he created the world, he put humans in and invited them to be a part of the system. He told them to rule over the beasts and the land, within the framework he created. When I ask the girls to get in the car, it doesn't have to be a dictatorship, where they are only allowed one option. They can contribute, and have a say, within the framework. Sure, they still need to clip in (safety first people!), and be in an appropriate seat, but within that, I'm more than happy to allow them to shift things around.
I think it's too easy to think that God made us and we are pawns in a game. Or that we can only do what he wanted. Read it again people. God's desire is for us to partner with him. To have a say, and to be co-rulers. We don't need to fight for control, or tell God, "my way or the highway". That's not what God is about. The parameters God gives us are for our safety, much like telling the girls they need to wear their seat belts, but within those parameters, well, there is the room to move.
Again and again as I read the bible, I see the times where God meets the people where they are at, and holds their hand and says "yep, I can move that car seat for you". Take Moses at the burning bush. Look at Gideon with the fleece. This isn't people "in control" or "getting what they want", it's God being patient and compassionate with people who don't get it yet, but that he wants to use anyway.
I sincerely hope I'm not coming across as all knowing, or perfect in my parenting. I'm really not either of those things, but I'm just struck by the fact that God invites us time and again into a loving relationship, and I got to see a glimpse of that just by asking my daughters to get into the car.
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