It is a beautiful day here in Brisbane and it is almost incomprehensible that schools are closed, local services like public transport and rubbish collection are suspended and shops are shutting their doors. While the rain and wind over the last few days have been intermittent, preparations were made around our yards and houses; everything is tied down and put away. Now, the day is beautiful and we wait for a cyclone to come.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting flash backs to March 2020, when Covid hit and we were all "sheltering in place" which was the nice way to say "lockdown". The shelves in the supermarket were looking pretty bare the last three days as people rushed out to get supplies. There is lots of unknown and trying to do all we can to make the most of the time we have before the storm comes.
The girls are across from me as I type this, each working on their own school work and Steve is in the office on a Teams call. It shows the five years that have passed though, since they are both on electronic devices, rather than using colouring pencils, glue and scissors to complete their work.
We've been unable to get bread, so last night I started a focaccia dough, and this morning, I have a put together the beginnings of some cinnamon scrolls. Lockdowns are the perfect time for carbs right? While we wait, now is the perfect time to catch up on some blogging that I've not been able to get to. And the bonus on the cyclone delay is that now I'll have time to recharge the laptop after as well. Silver lining!
As we have been busy thinking through the logistics of our Japan plans for 2025, one of the things I was considering was shoes. Obviously I'd want to take my ultra-comfy sports shoes, but since I wear them for pretty much any outdoor job, including painting, oiling the deck and mowing the lawn, they were pretty grubby. That doesn't matter so much in Australia (well, to me anyway), but Japan are a bit more conscious about outward appearance. I figured if I want to take them to Japan, I would need to clean them up or I'd be so aware of how dirty they are every time I went for a walk.
My initial plan was just to dye them, but Maria said that that wouldn't hide the oil stains like I wanted them to. Instead, I opted for fabric markers and did some colouring. Trying to make the stains and paint part of the design. My other idea to hide the stains, or at least make them less of a feature, was to sew some new fabric shoelaces, thinking that if people were distracted by beautiful unique fabric, they'd be less likely to notice the other, less delightful parts of the shoes.
Shoelaces are pretty easy to make - just need to cut strips of fabric, do some folding and sew down one side. I did these without any fuss Sunday morning before Church.
I was sitting I my little sewing nook enjoying the calm quiet morning and the wonderful way that this little part of our house makes me so happy. Incidentally I picked up that little iron off our community grapevine for free from someone who was moving and didn't need it. It is so super cute (even though it's pink :P) and I made a little ironing board to use with it from a bamboo cutting board covered in leftover quilting batting and some more of the flannelette cot sheet I had from the girls (used before to make a bunny or two).
So happy with the shoes with their new laces (although don't love how the blue hearts-that-hide-the-oil-stains look), ready to go to all the cool places in Japan. Hopefully if you are also are sheltering in place waiting for a cyclone, you are also enjoying some small things to help pass the time.